Monday, 2 January 2012


I have been watching a lot of documentaries films as of late, partly due to the fact I wouldn't mind venturing down the route of becoming a documentary film maker as well as the a photographer. I also have been watching a fair few documentaries on the war in Afghanistan, such as Restrepo which I have talked a little about already, Armadillo was the next one on my list to watch, and I finally got round to watching it today. 

The feature-length follows the men of Guard Hussars Regiment of the Danish Army, on their first mission in Helmand Province, at the Forward Operating Base Armadillo. Instead of showing the day to day chores of the soldiers, it shows the psychological effect on the soldiers after certain events throughout their six month stay in Afghanistan, each having their own reaction and ways of coping with these events. As mentioned before the men of the Guard Hussars are Danish and I think this makes the documentary even more interesting as people relate the war in Afghanistan to America and British armed forces and it is nice to see the war from another countries point of view.

Once again the trailer is available by clicking on the image below.